Naturboost Humate
Humates are organic acids derived from the outer layers of some coal seams. They are used to condition soils and increase plant growth. When humates are Mixed with conventional fertilisers they help retain P and N nutrients in the soil and act synergistically to make nutrients more available to plants.
When Naturboost Humate from Holistic Farm Solutions is mixed in with liquid fertilsers like nitrogen or soluble fertilisers such as Calciprill and phosphate they act as a food source for fungi and bacteria and assist in solubilising nutrients and thereby render them more plant available. The fulvic acid portion of humates also lifts plant brix levels.
- Works as a liquid compost
- Helps balance soil pH
- Increases microbial and worm populations
- Improves soil texture
- Plants become more drought tolerant
- Increases soil nutrient availability
- Improves plant and root growth
- Improves seed germination
- Lifts brix levels
- Improves palatability of pasture and is more tender so easier to digest
- Works as a chelation agent making minerals more plant available
- buffers nitrogen applications
Naturboost Humate is available in 200L & 1000L sizes
20L & 100 L sizes may be available on request
Contact us for pricing and application rates
Naturphos recycles containers where possible, if new containers are required, please advise when ordering