Naturphos Maize Grow

Naturphos Maize Grow 17-2-4-1 is a special blend, high quality liquid fertilser, put together specifically for maize that is sprayed on prior to row closure.  This blend has been shown to work better than a side dressing of nitrogen in the drought conditions of the '20-'21 season, with treated areas producing an increased yield of 1-2 tonne more per hectare when the tonnage from all of the areas was averaged on one farm and compared to the liquid treated area.

This will have much to do with the nutrients being available in the microbial gel around the roots, as soils dry out and nutrients such as potassium are no longer mobile in the soil, because they have been delivered to the microbial gel via the plant they remain plant available despite the dry weather. *How long this works for may depend on soil type and drought severity.

The nitrogen in Naturphos Maize Grow is in three forms which enhances the nitrogen utilisation within the plant.

As maize has a high requirement for trace elements, a range of  these are included in Naturphos Maize Grow, but with increased levels of boron, cobalt and iron, as these are often lacking in our soils and are required for strong plant growth. These are in a chelate form so they are readily plant available.

The product also contains a significant portion of Maritime Premium Kelp with the many benefits that a quality kelp brings.

The first cob size is determined at the 3-4 leaf stage and the second cob at the 7-8 leaf stage (or red band height), applications of quality liquid nutrients around this time or just prior generally improve cob size and quality.

The application rate for this product is 15L/ha for the first application and 40L/ha for the second application.

Photos taken in drought conditions in Te Aroha and Rotoorangi.

For these crops, an early application of  Naturphos Maize Grow was applied @ 15L/ha at the 3-4 leaf stage with EM Amino at 10L/ha and then 40L Naturphos Maize Grow with 10L  EM Amino at at Red Band height.

The crops when used for green chop showed improved palatability (to be expected as they are nutrient dense rather than nitrogen dense) and where data was collected they showed lower ADF and starched with improved NDF and slightly increased protein levels giving a more balanced feed profile for the animals.

Naturphos believe in recycling - product may be supplied in clean re-used containers, please let us know if new containers are required.

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